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Created by Dan
Ritchie: author of Project
Dogwaffle - Scroll down for
alternate choices |
Now available for royalty-free use in your
own multimedia projects (broadcast license)
This collection contains a total of
26 songs - scroll down for sample previews
File (all
files are .MP3) |
Duration |
Previews |
it in Action |
Alien_Visitation |
10m18s |
sample |
BalladBit |
30s |
sample | |
Battle_of_Gavin |
2m18s |
sample | |
British_Detective_Theme |
33s |
sample | |
Cartoon_Filler |
1m41s |
sample | |
Dinosaur_Danger |
7m57s |
sample | |
Domestic |
36s |
Everything_and_the_Jingles |
5m056 |
sample | on
Youtube |
Hard_flying_bits |
1m48s |
sample | on
Youtube |
Inspiration |
1m36s |
sample | |
Mech_stuff |
1m06s |
sample | |
Midnight_Chase |
1m30s |
sample | |
MoreMech |
1m12s |
Old_tv_show |
48s |
Old_tv_show_for_voiceover |
46s |
Planetty_Theme |
1m49s |
sample | |
Slapstick01 |
2m30s |
sample | |
Something_about_Squirrels |
5m18s |
String_arrangement |
1m48s |
Talking_Rodent_Cartoon_Segways |
4m12s |
The_Big_Reveal |
1m24s |
sample | on
Youtube |
The_Sad_Bit |
1m14s |
Vocals3 |
1m48s |
When_the_Sun_Goes_Down |
54s |
Wierd_carnival |
32s |
Winds_of_Progress |
2m48s |
sample |
More Royalty-free music:
Discover the Cool
Creative Bundle
Looking for
more music? click here
Dan also has written
several novels, such as Silver Squirrel.
Learn more about the musician, programer, writer and artist:
Dan Ritchie at
Learn to make your own music with Magix
This is also a great creative resource for game developers in need
of fantastic sound tracks.