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PD Particles Update Patch 1.0a

Excerpts from the README file:

 --- PD Particles Update Patch 1.0a ---------------------------

 This folder contains an update to PD Particles 1.0. It is
 delivered in the form of a single file named PD_Particles.exe
 which replaces the file of the same name found in the original
 installation folder of PD Particles 1.0

 --- Intended Use License Agreement ----------------------------

 The software is provided "as is", without warranty of any
 kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the
 warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular
 purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall or
 Dan Ritchie be liable for any claim, damages or other liability,
 whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising
 from, out of or in connection with the installation of, or use,
 or other dealings in PD Particles.  

 --- Installation -----------------------------------------------

 By proceeding with the installation of this patch, you are
 aknowledging your acceptance of the above agreement. If you
 do not agree, do not install or otherwise use this software.

 If you agree, proceed as follows:

 If PD Particles 1.0 is currently running, be sure to exit and
 end the program.
 During the course of this update, you will replace an existing
 file named 'PD_Particles.exe' with a new version. As a safety
 precaution, you may want to make a backup copy of the current file,
 or rename it (such as to something like PD_Particles-old.exe)
 so you can easily locate it if need be.

 Also, if you never made a backup copy of the original, downloaded
 installer of PD Particles 1.0 which you received with your purchase or
 download, then this might be a perfect time to do so and burn a
 backup copy of the original installer onto a CD, for example. Just in
 case something goes wrong with the update and you decide you want
 to re-install the original.

 The default location of an installation of PD Particles 1.0
 should be located at

   C:\Program Files\PD Particles

 This is probably also where your installation went. However,
 if you installed yours in a different location, then you will need
 to find that folder. If you don't remember where it is, you can use
 the Windows Search utility to look for a file named PD_Particles.exe
 There is no 'installer' for this patch. Instead, just copy the
 new main executable file:

   PD_Particles.exe       [ size: 2.32 MB (2,437,120 bytes) ]

 into the folder where your current installation of PD Particles
 is located, and let it replace the current file of the same name.

 That's it, your patch is done.

 --- What's new in PD Particles 1.0a ? ----------------------------

 This patch addresses the following issues:

 - Spelling of Presets-> below the File menu
 - command line argument issues
 - crash with 'Nova' Style in Particle brushes - fixed
 - refresh issue at startup
 - locale-based floating point values: komma or decimal points now both work

 Thanks for using PD Particles!

 - Team Dogwaffle

PD Particles and Project Dogwaffle are trademarks of Dan Ritchie. All other names, trademarks or registered trademarks mentioned here are the sole property of their respective owners and only used for identification purposes. No endorsement or other support  is intended or implied.